Welcome to Bayou Baby Daycare & Preschool !
This handbook has been created so that there are no misunderstandings, and so that everyone is aware of the requirements of Bayou Baby, as well as the requirements of you, the parents/guardians. This handbook covers our childcare center’s policies and expectations. Please read this handbook carefully. If there are any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
Bayou Baby is committed to creating a safe, warm, loving environment for children where they can learn and grow physically, emotionally, creatively, intellectually, and socially at their own pace. We want to help your child increase their confidence and self-esteem by treating them as unique individuals while allowing them to express themselves in a variety of facets. We strive to make your child’s time at daycare the best experience it can be for them as well as for you, the parents.
We are committed to supporting families by maintaining open communication and encouraging parental involvement in our programming and care activities. Our objective is to care for your child the same way you would.
In programming activities for the children, we follow the Frog Street Curriculum delivered in English, which follows a play-based learning philosophy. We develop activities centered on stories, songs, math, motor skills, circle time, science, music, and arts/crafts. We strive to prepare your children for their early school years by exposing them regularly to letters, numbers, colors, shapes, name recognition, and new vocabulary. Please see any staff member if you’d like more information on the Curriculum Framework, or you can access it online at: Early Childhood Education Programs, Curriculum & Materials | Frog Street
Hours of Operation
6:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Monday – Friday
We will be closed on New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, Mardi Gras Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Staff Development Days.
Pre-Admission......................Pg. 1
Admission….........................Pg. 1
Admission for Children with Special Needs.....................Pg. 2
Enrollment Policy..................Pg. 2
Placement Into Classes...…Pg. 3
Program Hours….................Pg. 3
Office Hours…......................Pg. 3
Ages Served….....................Pg. 3
Holiday Care….....................Pg. 4
Daycare and Tuition Rates…Pg. 4
Check Acceptance Policy.....Pg. 4
Transportation…...................Pg. 4
Late Payment Policy..........…Pg. 4
Entrance to Building/ Open Door Policy…................................Pg. 5
Arrival/Departure…..............Pg. 5
First Day at Center…...........Pg. 6
Attendance/curriculum......…Pg. 6
Clothing Accessories........…Pg. 7
Shoes…...............................Pg. 7
Labeling Items…..................Pg. 7
Personal Belongings.........…Pg. 8
Supplies…............................Pg. 8
Daily Schedule/Nap Time.....Pg. 8
Potty Training Policy..........…Pg. 9
Meals and snacks….............Pg. 9
Special Occasion Treats…...Pg. 9
Modified Diets....................Pg. 10
Lunchtime Prayers…..........Pg. 10
Fire Drills…........................Pg. 10
Emergency Contacts/Release Authorization…...................Pg. 11
Sick Child Policy..............…Pg. 11
Lice Policy….......................Pg. 11
Medication Policy…............Pg. 12
Part 1: Parent/Guardian Responsibilities…...............Pg. 12
Part 2: Staff Responsibilities ...........................................Pg. 13
Accidents or Injuries….......Pg. 14
Biting Policy.....................…Pg. 15
Child Custody Issues…......Pg. 15
Daily Departure...............…Pg. 16
Late Pick Up…...................Pg. 16
Special Circumstances…...Pg. 17
Social Media/Facebook Policy .......................................….Pg. 17
School Closings/Evacuations ...........................................Pg. 17
Vacation..........................…Pg. 18
Holidays..........................…Pg. 18
Questions or Concerns Process...........................…Pg. 18
Car Seat Policy...............…Pg. 19
Child Abuse Policy…..........Pg. 19
No-Smoking Policy..........…Pg. 19
Sex Offenders.................…Pg. 19
Disclosure of Information…Pg. 20
Parental Involvement Policy ...........................................Pg. 20
Behavior Management Policy ...........................................Pg. 20
Disruptive Behavior….........Pg. 21
Electronic Devices/Computer Practices/ Programs, Movies, & Video Games Policies........Pg. 21
Withdrawing From Center...Pg. 22
Non-Discrimination Policy...Pg. 22
Medical Conditions….........Pg. 23
Daily Routine…..................Pg. 24
We encourage prospective parents to make an appointment to meet with the Director to take a tour of the facility at their earliest convenience. Prior to being admitted to Bayou Baby Daycare & Preschool, the parents and the Director must have an initial meeting to make an accurate determination if the individual needs of the child can be adequately met by our center's program and facility design. It is important for parents to inform us at this time of any and all special needs their child may have, in order for us to determine if our staff training and program structure will be a suitable fit for the child.
Once all information is gathered and the pre-admission visit is complete, the Director will inform parents, usually within 24 hours, if admission to the center is an option. Complex situations may require a joint management decision. In such cases, the Director will meet with our management team, and we will discuss the various aspects of each individual case. A decision will be made within 48 hours and communicated via a phone call from the Director. All Children who are admitted to the center, regardless of circumstances, are done so on a probationary basis. The first 2 weeks are a probationary period, during which your child's teacher or the Director will keep you updated on your child's progress/behavior. After a child has participated in our program for 2 weeks, his or her teacher will have an assessment meeting with the Director. If it is determined that the child and the center are a good match, then the child will be fully admitted to our program. Bayou Baby Daycare does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, and religion.
Admission for Children with
Special Needs
While we recognize that each child is unique and special in their own way, occasionally some children's physical and/or emotional needs may require services that are beyond our expertise or facility design. Bayou Baby strives to serve every family who desires to use our services; however, the Director will ultimately decide if admission is in the best interest of both the child and the center. If admitted, the record of each child with special needs shall include a written plan of care from a qualified physician or therapist prior to the child's enrollment, and annually thereafter. This document must cover all program aspects, including: required equipment, facility modifications, staff ratio and staff training recommendations suited to the specific needs of the child. Any expenses incurred in providing extra care which are above normal and reasonable accommodations are to be paid by the parents.
Enrollment Policy
Once admitted to the center, a child must be enrolled. To do so, the following documentation must be turned in to the office in advance of the child's starting date:
A completed registration packet.
A current immunization record.
A copy of any court orders regarding child custody or visitation issues, if applicable.
**A one time, non-refundable registration fee of $100 per child for children using all day services or $25 per child for children only using Before / After Care must be paid at the time of enrollment.
Placement into Classes
Initial placement into the classroom is based primarily on the child's chronological age, but the availability of an open spot that matches the enrollment day of the child being placed is also considered. Children are further assessed as to their overall level of development- social, physical, and emotional. Once a child has been with us for some time, they may be ready to advance to the next classroom. Prior to moving up, the director will consult with the classroom teachers as to the readiness of the child and will also consider any and all parental input and special requests.
Program Hours
The center is open Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. We ask that parents who arrive early kindly wait until 6:00 to enter the building, as our doors are not open any earlier due to insurance reasons. We also ask that parents have their children in their classrooms by 9:00 a.m. each day. Daily staffing requirements are assessed at 9:00 a.m. We must ensure our child/staff ratios will be adhered to at all times. If a child is brought into the center after 9:00 a.m. and no phone call is made prior to drop off, the child will only be permitted to stay if the Director finds that we have adequate staff on hand to accommodate a late arrival.
Office Hours
Our Director/Director Designee is on site from 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Please feel free to stop by the office or call during these hours with any comments or questions you may have.
Ages Served
Bayou Baby currently accepts ages
1 Year - 12 Year Olds.
Holiday Care
We offer drop-in childcare pending availability and pricing varies per age group. Drop-In space is limited and may be unavailable on some days. Parents must call on the day they would like to attend to see if a spot is available, unless prior arrangements have been made with the Director.
Daycare and Tuition Rates
Daycare/tuition rates depend on the program you decide to enroll your child into. Tuition is due weekly. Tuition includes all school supplies, breakfast, lunch, and morning/ afternoon snack as well as before and after care. (This does not include personal/hygiene supplies)
**The tuition drop box is located on the inside wall, next to the front door for cash payments. All other forms of payment are accepted through the Brightwheel App.
Check Acceptance Policy
In the event a payment is rejected through Brightwheel, for any reason, the parents will be notified by the Director. Brightwheel will automatically bill you a $25.00 NSF fee. Any unpaid balance remaining after one full week will be turned over to the Tangipahoa Parish District Attorney's Office for collection and the child(ren) may not return until payment is paid in full, unless prior arrangements have been approved by the Director.
Bayou Baby Daycare does not offer any type of transportation services.
Late Payment Policy
Tuition is due every Monday. There is a $15.00 per day late fee assessed for any tuition paid after the close of business Monday evening. If tuition has not been paid by Friday morning, the child will not be allowed to attend until all tuition and late fees are paid.
Entrance to the Building / Open Door Policy
Our center has multiple security measures in place for the safety and well-being of the children in our care. Although we have an open-door policy, whereby parents of enrolled children are free to visit the center at any time without advance notice, our front door remains locked at all times. For the safety of the children and staff our code at the front door is not to be shared so we ask that you ring the doorbell to enter. It is extremely important that our security measures are not compromised and we ask for your continued assistance in helping us keep the children safe.
Arrival / Departure
Every child will get their temperature taken before entering the daycare. If the child’s temperature is above 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit taken under the arm or 101.0 degrees Fahrenheit orally, they will unfortunately not be able to enter. The teacher will be responsible for signing in and out all children at the center. Our teachers will also observe all children for signs of injury or illness. Louisiana Childcare regulations require us to document any injury a child exhibits upon arrival, no matter how small it may seem. We are also required by law to keep a log documenting your answers as to how said injury occurred. Please do not be offended when a teacher asks for an explanation of seemingly minor injuries. We do understand that kids are active and often get small scrapes and bruises, they just need to be documented on how they occurred.
First Day at the Center
During your enrollment visit to The Bayou Baby Daycare Center, we will have set up a mutually agreed upon date for your child to start attending. We recommend that you begin talking about school right away with your child, in an effort to get them excited about their first day. Let them know they will make lots of new friends and have many exciting adventures awaiting them. We know they are going to love their new school! Please note that children often experience a brief period of separation anxiety during their initial days of being dropped off, and they may cry the first few times they are left in the morning. Rest assured that this is completely normal and these episodes most often subside during their first week. Our staff is trained to comfort the children and ease them into their daily routine. Always be sure to say good-bye, give a big kiss, and then follow through by leaving promptly. Please do not give in to feelings of guilt when leaving a crying child. Continuously returning only makes it more difficult for the child to separate. We promise to call you if your child does not settle down. Also, take comfort in knowing that most children quiet down quickly when they are reassured by their teachers and become interested in the toys and other children. Most of the time, parents aren't even out of the parking lot and their children are happily engaged with their friends.
Attendance / Curriculum
Children enjoy the consistency of being in a routine, and every day presents an opportunity to learn something new and exciting. We do not require a certain amount of attendance; however, your child's continual presence is critical to his or her educational success. Each of our classes uses the state approved, platinum level curriculum, Frog Street, and lessons are carried over from day to day. Please notify your child's teacher or the Director if you anticipate an absence of more than one day.
Clothing / Accessories
Young children play energetically, and we ask that each child comes dressed in clothing suitable for the many art, playground, and climbing activities of their day. Please keep in mind that clothing should be casual and comfortable. Cold weather does not necessarily keep us indoors, so please be sure that your child has any gloves, sweaters, hats, coats, etc., appropriate for the day's weather forecast. One full set of extra clothes should be kept at the center, even for the older children. When accidents from play, feeding, or toileting happen, we know you would not want your child to be uncomfortable. Extra clothes will need to be replaced as soon as possible, once your child uses them. Please be sure to send season appropriate clothes prior to each season. For efficient diaper changing and potty training to occur, we do not allow overalls, belts, buckles, or bottoms that have multiple snaps down the legs. For accessories, if your child has earrings, we ask that the earrings are stud only with the screw on backs. No hoops or dangle earrings allowed. No necklaces, bracelets or rings allowed.
We request that all children wear closed toed shoes while at the center. Shoes should fit properly, be comfortable, and provide adequate protection for outdoor play. Flip-flops, sandals with velcro closures, crocs, jelly shoes, and any shoes with heels are prohibited, as they present a safety hazard. In the summertime, if sandals are worn, they must have a metal buckle and not have elastic or velcro on the strap.
Labeling Items
Please label every item that is brought into the center, including: jackets, sweaters, blankets, and pillows. Writing on the tags is sufficient, as long as the child's name is legible. If your infant or toddler brings bottles to school, the Health Department requires they must each have a cap, with the child's name or initials written on each cap and bottle.
Personal Belongings
Each child has an assigned cubby or special space located in their classroom for storing their personal belongings. We ask that you do not bring in toys from home, as the center is not responsible for any items lost or damaged throughout the day. Due to limited space, we also do not allow diaper bags or car seats to be kept at the center.
Please send your little one on their first day of school with a disposable grocery bag containing their personal supplies from the list provided during registration. This bag must be clearly labeled with the child's first and last name. Additionally, each child must bring in one large refill pack of Huggies unscented wipes on the first day of each month. We ask that parents only buy this approved brand. Any family who has not brought in their wipes by the 10th of the month will have a $10 supply fee added to their account. Throughout the year, we may request other supplies for special projects, but the wipes must be brought in every month.
Daily Schedule /
Nap Time
Each classroom has a posted schedule of planned daily activities which are age appropriate. Our routines are closely adhered to, but flexible enough to allow for the individual needs and differences among the children. Our program provides time for both vigorous and quiet activities and allows children opportunities to share or have alone time, both indoors and out. We also schedule time for tasks such as washing hands and faces, eating lunch, resting, having snacks, and putting away toys. We purposely alternate periods of active play with periods of quiet time to help guard against over- stimulation of the children. Our daily nap time immediately follows lunch, and normally starts around 12:30 p.m. Each child is provided their own cot or bed by the center, labeled with his/her name, and used exclusively by that child. Parents must supply a small pillow and blanket or nap mat, which will be sent home to be laundered every Friday. During naptime, we dim the lights and play classical music, to give the children a serene atmosphere in which to drift off to sleep. Staff members circulate amongst the children to monitor them as they nap. By 2:45 p.m., lights are turned back on and most of the children start waking up on their own. Any child still sleeping at 3:00 p.m. will be gently woken up by their teacher.
Potty Training Policy
Potty training is an important event in a young child's life, and the experience is not the same for each child. Some children are ready to start sooner than others. Our general policy is to start the potty training process once your child has transitioned from the one year old class and is fully settled into the two year old room. When the teacher is ready to begin the process, she will first consult with the parents. Once everyone agrees, the fun begins! We will ask that you bring in a pack of pull ups with Velcro sides. These will be used in place of diapers while potty training is first getting started. As things progress, you will be asked to supply multiple pairs of "undies," as well as several pairs of shorts or pants. We know that accidents are going to happen and we need to be ready. Your child's teacher will stay in constant communication with you, and will partner with you to work out a schedule to follow at home as well. Persistence, with a lot of patience, is the key here. *All children must be potty trained to enter our four year old classroom
Meals and Snacks
Bayou Baby uses a catering service for breakfast and lunch. EZ Events Catering follows the recommended USDA Meal Patterns for Infants and Small Children when planning and preparing meals. Outside of breakfast and lunch, Bayou Baby will provide a morning/ afternoon snack. Our monthly menus are posted on the bulletin board nearest the kitchen and will be sent home every month. Louisiana Health Department regulations state that outside food and drinks are not allowed to be brought to school, unless they are for a party or special occasion. Therefore, food and beverages are not permitted to be brought into the center in the mornings.
Special Occasion Treats
Children often delight in treating their classmates to a special snack for birthdays and holiday parties. The center is happy to allow this. Please note: We are a nut free center so no items containing nuts of any kind are allowed. Please make arrangements with your child's teacher prior to bringing special food or beverages into the center. We must be sure to accommodate any allergies or dietary restrictions their classmates may have.
Modified Diets
Students requiring special diets for medical reasons must have a doctor's note on file, stating any dietary needs or restrictions that the child may have. We will accommodate the child as indicated in the physician's directive. Students requiring special diets for religious reasons will be reasonably accommodated, as long as the child's daily nutritional requirements are being met. Parents must provide a signed and dated statement to the office, letting us know what the child is not permitted to consume
Lunchtime Prayers
The Bayou Baby teachers and students offer a daily non-denominational prayer of thanks at lunch time. We sing either one of the following:
“ God is Great, God is Good, Let us thank him for our food, by his hands, we all are fed, Give us lord our daily bread, Amen “ or “ Thank you God, For our food, Help us do the things we should, Amen”
Please let the Director know if you would prefer that your child not participate in lunchtime prayers.
Fire Drills
Fire drills are held monthly on random days and at various times. Sometimes the lights and sounds may make quite an impression on a child the first time they experience a drill. However, children quickly become accustomed to the excitement, and in time know just what to do. Our building is equipped with a centrally monitored fire alarm system and we also have fire extinguishers located at both exit doors, as well as in the kitchen.
Emergency Contacts/Release Authorization
Each child must have a list of names and phone numbers of individuals serving as emergency contacts on file with us and on Brightwheel. These emergency contacts are persons who we can call in case we are not able to reach the parents. Individuals listed on the Release Authorization Form are authorized by the parent(s) to pick up and/or care for the child in case of illness or emergency. Upon pick-up, staff members will ask for identification of any person with whom they are not familiar. Written authorization is required for changes to these forms, when adding or deleting contacts. Children will only be released to persons whose names appear on the release authorization form.
Sick Child Policy
For the health and safety of the children and teachers at the center, sick children are not allowed to come to school. Please do not send your child if they were not feeling well the night before. If your child begins to exhibit signs of illness while at school, he or she will be removed from the group to our quarantine area by the office and we will contact you to come pick them up. Once you have been contacted, please have your child picked up within one hour. It is very important that you have made alternate arrangements for someone to care for your child when they are sick, in the event you are not able to leave work. We do not allow parents to come into the center to give any medication and then leave your child. If your child is on antibiotics, he/she continues to be contagious for 24 hours after the first dose of medication and cannot return to childcare until this time period has passed. No tuition adjustment will be made for absences due to illnesses.
*Please see "Appendix A" for a list of medical exclusion criteria.*
Lice Policy
Children's hair will be checked periodically throughout the year for the presence of lice or nits. Any child found to have an active lice infestation will be sent home immediately. After successful treatment, the child may return to school. The Director will then inspect the child's hair, and if there are no lice or nits detected, the child will be readmitted into the classroom.
Medication Policy
The Bayou Baby staff will only administer medication to children in very limited circumstances. These include, but are not limited to, children with chronic medical conditions or who have been prescribed lifesaving measures, such as an Epi-pen, insulin, or rescue inhaler. Medication will only be administered after a trial dose has already been given at home, and no adverse reactions have been observed.
Part 1 : Parent /Guardian Responsibilities
1. A doctor's note stating why the medication is to be used, exact dosing instructions, and the length of time to be administered must be brought in with the medication.
2.Medication must be in its original container with the child's name printed on the label. Medication cannot be shared between siblings; each container must only have one name on it.
3. A drug information sheet must accompany the medication. Sometimes this can be found attached to the prescription bag or inside the box. Parents may also ask their pharmacist to print out an information sheet listing the potential side effects and adverse reactions of the medication.
4. Parents must complete a medication administration packet, which gives us permission to administer the medication. Parents must also tell the center the specific time which the medication should be administered. Once a day, twice a day, etc. is not acceptable. In the event that a child is prescribed an "as needed" medication, the appropriate form documenting the circumstances for which the medication will be administered must also be filled out.
5. Medication must be brought to the center each morning and taken home each night. No medication may be left in the center overnight.
6. If a child requires emergency medication, such as an Epi-pen, insulin or rescue inhaler, or as needed medication, the center must be given a plan of care from the child's doctor detailing exactly when and how to administer it. Additionally, any child who is prescribed an emergency medication will not be admitted to the center without the medication being on the premises at all times the child is in attendance.
Part 2 : Staff Responsibilities
1.Only staff members who have completed an approved Medication Administration course will be allowed to administer medication. A list of staff members possessing this certification will be posted in the office. Staff will receive the medication and have the parent fill out a Medication Administration Packet. Staff will log the medication in by completing a Receiving Medication Form and store the medication in our designated locked, secured area, with the exception of life saving
2. Medications such as epi-pens or insulin. These will always remain with the Center Director or child's teacher.
3. Staff will administer medication according to the parent instructions. Staff will complete a Medication Log for each child who is administered medication
4. Staff will maintain confidentiality of children's medical history by placing the medication administration forms in the office and will only share this information with staff members who have a need to know.
5. Administering staff will review The Right Way to Give Medicine Chart, located in the office, prior to administering any medication. We follow the 5 "Rights" method:
Right Child
Right Medication
Right Dose
Right Time
Right Route
This policy shall not be deviated from, and is in place to provide protection for all children who may receive medication at The Bayou Baby Daycare Center.
Accidents or Injuries
While our staff members make every effort to ensure the safety of the children in our care, unfortunately accidents sometimes happen. As a partner in the care of your child, we will keep you apprised of any injuries or illnesses as they occur. For minor injuries, we will follow the instructions you have given us on your child's Accident/Injury Notification card for how and when we notify you. If necessary for moderate injuries or illnesses, we will make every attempt to contact you immediately for further instructions. If we cannot reach you, we will call the persons you have indicated on the emergency card. If the child receives, a non-emergency injury that requires the services of a doctor, we will proceed as follows:
1. Call parents or guardians
2. Call the persons listed on the emergency card.
3. Call the child's physician for his/her advice.
4. In the case that the above three fail, we will call an ambulance or paramedic team and have the child taken to an emergency hospital with a staff person accompanying the child in the Ambulance.
In the event of a severe injury or illness, we will call 911 first, and then contact the parents or guardians immediately thereafter. Also, we will provide you with an Accident or Incident Report for each instance when you pick up your child at the end of the day.
Biting Policy
Occasionally children go through a biting stage, especially between the ages of 12-24 months, and this is a completely normal part of development for some. Biting occurs for many different reasons- teething, a display of power, curiosity, etc. In most cases the biting continues until they simply grow out of the stage. Exactly when this happens is different for every child. To curb biting, we do our best to show the children there are other ways to deal with their frustration and offer as many diversions and alternatives as possible. We may also shadow a child or separate them from children that they may target. There may also be an instance when your child comes home with a bite mark themselves. We apologize in advance and promise we do our best to stop all such occurrences. When a child bites another child, we inform both the biter's parents the day it occurs. We do not disclose the name of the biter to the parents of the bitten child. If the child bites a second time within the same week, we give the biter's parents a warning that if it occurs again, they will be sent home. If the child bites a third time, in the same week, the child will be asked to stay home for the day. Upon return from sitting out, if a child does bite again, it will be considered disruptive behavior and will be dealt with according to our disruptive behavior policy. For a child who has been bitten, the wound is tended to, an incident report is written, and the parents are immediately notified.
If the skin is not broken, we wash the area with soap and water and an ice pack is applied.
If the skin is broken, we wash the area with soap and water, and then apply antiseptic cream and a bandage.
Child Custody Issues
Should custody ever become an issue with your family, and one parent does not want the other parent picking up the child, a court order stating that the non-custodial parent may not pick up the child needs to be submitted to the office. Without a copy of a court order on file, staff members cannot legally refuse a parent the right to take his/her own child from the center.
Daily Departure
When picking up your child at the end of the day, please make sure to sign him/her out on the Brightwheel app by signing your full name. The state does not allow us to accept initials. Also, don't forget to check children's folders for artwork, notes, and important communications. Please feel free to ask the teacher how your child's day was, or any other questions you may have at this time. We encourage an open dialogue between the parents and staff. We only ask that you be mindful that the teacher often has other children in the classroom, and her attention must be focused on them at all times. Therefore, end-of-the-day conversations must be kept somewhat brief. If you would like to have an at length discussion about your child's day or to discuss any other concerns you may have, please ask for a phone conference. Your child's teacher will be happy to call you just as soon as they are available. You may also schedule an appointment to speak with the Director. Your cooperation in making daily departure a smooth process is greatly appreciated.
Late Pick Up
The center closes promptly at 6:00 p.m., and we assess a $2.00 per minute late pick-up beyond 6:00 p.m. Our teachers remain "on the clock," and often in overtime, until they are able to leave once you depart the building. We use the late fee to cover this additional expense. The fee will be assessed through Brightwheel. Time is calculated from 6:00 p.m. until the time the child actually leaves the center. For example, if a parent arrives at 6:15 p.m., but spends time talking to teachers, using the restroom, etc., and does not actually walk out the door until 6:30 p.m., they will be charged from 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
If a child remains at the center after closing time and we have not heard from a parent or are unable to contact a guardian by 7:30 p.m., we will notify the Ponchatoula Police Department.
Special Circumstances
If a staff member suspects that an individual picking up a child is impaired in any way, such as under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the child will not be released to this person, even if they are a parent. Another individual authorized to pick up the child must be called. The safety and well-being of the children in our care is of primary importance to us, and no child will be released in an unsafe or uncertain situation. Determining whether or not to release a child in such a case is difficult for everyone involved- the parent, the child, and the staff member. We ask that you please understand that we only want what is safe for your child and must do what we think is in their best interest at all times.
Social Media / Facebook Policy
Bayou Baby has a Facebook page that we update regularly,
www.facebook.com/BayouBaby. Please make sure to "like" and "follow" our page and invite family and friends to do so as well. While we encourage everyone to utilize our page, having pictures of your child posted on our page is completely optional. We will only feature those children for whom we have a parental release on file. Our Brightwheel app is where we post announcements and pictures of the kids having fun and participating in activities. It is also our primary means of communication during bad weather. If we will need to close for any reason, this is where we will post our updates.
School Closing / Evacuations
In the event of inclement weather, Bayou Baby will follow the Tangipahoa Parish Public School System's closing advisories. We ask parents at this time to please pay close attention to local news for possible closures. We will notify families by using the Brightwheel App.
All full-time students who have been with us for one continuous year will receive an optional one-week exemption from paying tuition. During this vacation week, children do not come to school nor do they pay tuition. Vacations will be granted the day after the one-year anniversary date and must be used before the next anniversary date. Please notify the Director, in writing, at least one week prior to utilizing your free vacation week.
The center closes for the following holidays: New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, Mardi Gras Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Staff Development Days. Tuition is not reduced for holiday closings. Parents are still responsible for paying full tuition, even if they choose to keep their child home the entire week. *Specific details and dates will be given out through a Brightwheel newsletter.
Question or Concern Process
Should you have a question or concern about the care your child is receiving, we ask that you first utilize the chain of command to discuss the situation. Please do not hesitate to directly address the issue with your child's teacher. If the teacher is not able to completely resolve the issue, or you feel that the nature of your concern is such that it requires management intervention, we invite you to speak with the Director. Should you still have any unresolved concerns, please ask the Director to schedule a conference with the Owner. If all else fails, any significant, unresolved complaints may be reported to the Licensing Division of The Louisiana Department of Education at 1-225-342-9905. For your convenience, parents may also drop notes either signed or anonymously in the tuition box. Our customers' satisfaction is always our first priority, and all complaints are given prompt attention
Car Seat Policy
Louisiana law states that all children younger than six years of age shall be restrained in a child safety seat. We require everyone to follow this mandate when entering and exiting our parking lot. Staff members who happen to be outside and notice that a child is not properly restrained will respectfully ask that you remedy the situation before leaving. Sometimes we may have loaner car seats available for temporary use. Please don't hesitate to ask for one- we would much rather a child borrow one of ours than leave without being properly secured.
Child Abuse Policy
All staff members of The Bayou Baby Daycare & Preschool are mandated state reporters, and as such will report any suspected instance of child abuse to Louisiana Child Protection Statewide Hotline at 1-855-4-LAKIDS (1-855-452-5437). Any abuse, neglect, or maltreatment of a child on the part of any employee or parent will not be tolerated, and we will not hesitate to notify the proper authorities. Please note we do not have a wait-and-see approach, we take action immediately.
No-Smoking Policy
By Louisiana law, smoking is not permitted inside the building at any time, nor is smoking allowed anywhere on school grounds- including the parking lot. According to LA RS 32:300.4, smoking is also against the law anytime a child under 13 is present in a vehicle. Due to potential allergic reactions, children's belongings are not allowed in the center if they smell of smoke.
Sex Offenders
Please note that the physical presence of a sex offender in, on, or within 1,000 feet of a child day care facility is prohibited by law. The Bayou Baby Daycare & Preschool and staff will not permit any individuals convicted of a sex offense as defined in R.S. 15:541 entrance to the building, regardless of familial status. If we find that such an individual is attempting to gain access to our facility, we will immediately call 911.
Disclosure of Information
Parents are hereby notified that Bayou Baby Daycare Center is under the direct licensing authority of the Licensing Division of the Louisiana Department of Education. Licensing surveys/inspections, regulations, and information regarding early learning centers are available on the Department of Education website: www.louisianabelieves.com
Parental Involvement Policy
Bayou Baby Daycare offers many opportunities for parents to be involved during their time with us. These may include but are not limited to open house, parent education sessions, parents and staff conferences, holiday parties, and parents or grandparent's day.
Behavior Management Policy
Bayou Baby primarily employs the methods of Positive Reinforcement and Redirection as our preferred means of guiding the children towards appropriate behavior. We believe that encouraging and rewarding good behavior is much more productive than constantly correcting negative behavior. We are always praising the children and are continuously on the lookout for instances to reward them. We prefer an atmosphere of "show" over "no." We show the children what they "can do," instead of constantly telling them what they can't. We encourage respect for their peers as well as active exploration and creativity. If the need for discipline arises, we use "time out," with one minute of time per each year of the child's age. Time out for children ages 2 and older is always done within sight of a staff member.
Bayou Baby expressly prohibits the following types of discipline:
Physical or corporal punishment, which includes but is not limited to yelling, slapping, spanking, yanking, shaking, pinching, exposure of extreme temperatures or other measures producing physical pain, putting anything in the mouth of a child, requiring a child to exercise, or placing a child in an uncomfortable position. Verbal abuse, which includes but is not limited to using offensive or profane language, telling a child to "shut up," or making derogatory remarks about children or family members of children in the presence of children. The threat of a prohibited action even if there is no intent to follow through with the threat, allowing a child to be disciplined by another child, bullied by another child, deprived of food and beverages, restrained by devices such as high chairs or feeding tables for disciplinary purposes. Having active play time withheld for disciplinary purposes, except brief timeouts which may be used during active play time for behavior infractions incurred.
Disruptive Behavior
Every attempt will be made to successfully manage disruptive behavior, but sometimes a child will exhibit behaviors that are not acceptable and so severe that a parent conference becomes necessary. At this meeting, the Director will work with the teachers and parents to establish a plan of action to address the child's behavior. If problems become unmanageable for the center and cannot be resolved, the center reserves the right to temporarily or permanently remove the child from our program.
Electronic Devices / Computer Practices / Programs, Movies, and Video Games Policies
Bayou Baby allows children over the age of two to participate in occasional movie days, usually once or twice a month. When shown, all movies will have an educational component, and will only have a rating of G. When movies are shown, they will be a maximum of 2 hours in length.
Withdrawing from Center
If circumstances arise and you wish to withdraw your child from our program, we request that you submit a written notice of your exit date to the office. We ask that you provide us at least two weeks' notice. If the Director is not notified and the child simply stops attending, your account will be billed for two weeks of tuition. These two weeks must be paid prior to the child being re-enrolled in the program in the future. Once a child no longer attends our facility, any personal belongings left behind at the center must be picked up within one week. Any items remaining beyond one week will be considered abandoned and will be disposed of or donated to charity, unless prior arrangements have been made directly with management.
Non-Discrimination Policy (USDA REQUIRED STATEMENT)
In order to provide equal employment and advancement opportunities to all individuals, employment decisions at The Bayou Baby Daycare Center are based on merit, qualification, and ability. In accordance with Federal Law and US Department of Agriculture Policy, Bayou Baby does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington D.C. 20250-9410 or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). We receive funds from the USDA, and the USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer as well.
Medical Conditions - "'APPENDIX "A"
If your child currently has or has experienced any of the following conditions within the last 24 hours, please do not send them to school. You must wait at least 24 hours, and all symptoms must be cleared, before the child can return to school for the following conditions:
1. Diarrhea (2 or more loose stools)
2. Difficulty or rapid breathing
3. Sore throat
4. Upper respiratory infections
5. Vomiting with additional symptoms
6. Yellowish skin or eyes
7. A temperature of 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit or higher taken under the arm, or 101.0 degrees Fahrenheit orally
8. Mucus with green or yellow color
9. Undiagnosed rash, scab, or sore
10. Severe cough
11. Chicken pox, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, impetigo, diphtheria, or herpes simplex*
12. Untreated scabies, tinea corporis, or capitis (ringworm)*
13. Ear infection
14. Untreated head lice
15. Pinkeye/Conjunctivitis
16. If your child is diagnosed with hand foot and mouth, strep throat, the croup, or the flu, we require them to stay out a minimum of 48 hours after diagnosis, regardless of what a doctor's note may say.
*Conditions with a * have additional criteria for readmittance. Please see the Director.
Daily Routine
6:00 AM - Center Opens - Light Breakfast & Free Play (Table toys, puzzles, coloring, etc.)
9:00 AM - Clean-up and Circle Time/Other Educational Activity (our learning time)
9:30 AM - Nutritious Snack
10:00 AM - Educational Activities and Programming, examples include Art, Science Experiment, Weather Chart and Story Time
11:00 AM - Outside Play (weather permitting) - activities include visiting local parks, going on walks, or remaining at the daycare outdoor play area.
12:00 PM - Lunch
12:30 PM - Clean-up and Nap time - Children remaining awake may read books, do puzzles, other quiet activities while others sleep.
2:45 PM - Quiet time is over for napping children.
3:00 PM - Nutritious Snack
4:00 PM - Educational Activities and Programming, examples include – Art, Science, Music, or Literacy Activities
4:30 PM - Outside Play (weather permitting) in yard until center closes if weather permits.
6:00 PM* - Center Closes – Children must be picked up by 6pm or late charges will apply. If you need to speak to staff about any concerns you have, please come in ample time to do so.
This schedule is very flexible and is adjusted according to the children’s needs and interests (i.e. If a child is engaged in art or another activity when snack is served, they may finish their activity and will then be served their snack. Or, if we are engaged during scheduled “learning/circle time” the learning/circle time will just be pushed back to a later time so that we may fully engage in the current activity unit when it is completed. The number one goal is learning.
Thank you for reading over our Parent Handbook!
We will update parents on any changes that we make to the policies and procedures.